Is A Curbless Shower Cheaper? It’s Time to Find Out

Curbless showers are becoming increasingly the favorite partner of your washrooms. They are best as they don’t contain any curb that makes a barrier at the entrance for elders. While renovating your washroom with a curbless shower, you must know its price.

Curbless showers are a bit more expensive than traditional showers. It is pricey because it requires a specialized waterproofing system and sloping the bathroom floor toward the drain.

If you are wondering- “Does Curbless Shower justifies the price,” then don’t worry, as I have discussed this point in detail (just for you).

In this blog, I’ll walk you through the cost considerations and pros & cons of curbless showers. So, spare a few moments and read the writing till the end.

Cost Considerations Of A Curbless Shower

Is A Curbless Shower Cheaper

You might get confused about how curbless showers are more expensive than typical showers. Don’t worry. You can estimate the cost of a curbless shower by considering the following factors.


Curbless showers come in various kinds of materials. The cost of a curbless shower relies on the cost of materials. It depends on you whether you want an average material or a high-quality material for your washroom.

High-quality materials will certainly be more expensive than that of the average one. But you’ll not have to spend money on the repairs or replacements.


The second factor that affects the cost of a curbless shower is its design. As you already know that curbless showers offer you customization options to get a suitable shower for your restroom.

So, the customization will boost the cost of a Curbless shower. If you can afford the budget, you should customize a curbless shower according to your needs and the washroom theme.

But if you can’t afford expensive showers, just visit the market and pick a pocket-friendly curbless shower.

Installation Costs

The installation costs of curbless showers make it more expensive than traditional showers. This is because a Curbless shower requires more extensive floor preparation. The preparation includes sloping the floor to make sure proper drainage.

The extensive preparation will increase the charges of a curbless shower. If you don’t prepare the floor adequately to save money, it will be damaged soon and you’ll have to repair it again and again.

Why Does Curbless Shower Justify Price?

Is A Curbless Shower Cheaper

Curbless shower’s higher price is justified because of the following reasons.


The first thing that justifies the cost of a curbless shower is its accessibility. I have seen various people with mobility issues who are not satisfied with traditional showers. So, curbless showers are best for them.

Curbless showers don’t have any steps so that you can enter and exit the shower without any hurdles. Therefore, curbless showers are accessible for kids, elders, and folks with mobility issues.

It Can Stay Good For Years

Another factor that proves that the price of a curbless shower is worth it is its durability. All you have to do is invest once in the installation process of the shower, and that’s it. Now, you don’t have to be concerned about repairing and replacing the shower.

Moreover, there’ll be no maintenance costs in the future. Hence, a curbless shower will be your partner for so many years.

Aesthetic Designs

Curbless showers give your washroom an aesthetic look. Whenever you visit the market, you’ll see a variety of elegant designs of curbless showers. Your curbless shower must be suitable for your washroom theme.

The best thing about curbless showers is that you can customize the design and color according to your desires. It may be a bit costly. But if you can afford it, it is the best idea to make your restroom more attractive.


Functionality is the final thing that justifies the price of curbless showers. Various folks wonder how the water stays in a Curbless shower. The secrets behind ceasing the water flow are proper sloping and linear drainage.

The slope in the shower floor allows the water to flow towards the drain. This slope will assist you in keeping the water within the shower area instead of spreading it all over the washroom.

The linear drains that you have installed in the shower floors help you to get rid of water from the shower floor. Drains are long and narrow so that they can effectively work.

Is A Curbless Shower More Expensive Than A Curbed Shower?

A curbless shower is more expensive to install than a curbed shower. In a curbless shower, the proper sloping and linear drainage will cost you an additional price. Meanwhile, a curbed shower can be installed with an economical drainage system.

A curbless shower provides your washroom with an elegant look along with a lot of benefits. It will require no additional repair costs. In contrast, a curbed shower may need more maintenance.

Are Traditional Showers Cheaper Than Curbless Showers?

Yes! Traditional showers are affordable as compared to the curbless showers. Traditional showers do not require proper shower floor preparation, which makes them pocket-friendly. However, they may cost maintenance charges in the future.

A curbless shower is a one-time investment. You’ll certainly have to pay more at the installation time. However, a curbless shower will stay good for years without additional repair costs.

Related: What Is The Difference Between a Walk-in Shower And a Roll-in Shower?

How Much Does Tub-To-Shower Conversion Cost?

Is A Curbless Shower Cheaper

If you’re using a bathtub and want to switch to a curbless shower, you’re at the right place. Firstly, you have to get an estimate of these conversion charges. A curbless shower installation will cost approximately $6000-$10,000.

The increase in cost is due to redesigning and preparing the floor with proper drainage. You’ll be amazed to see the change in your washroom after replacing the bathtub with a curbless shower.

The following table gives you a quick insight into the factors contributing to the whole cost.


Estimated Price



Bathtub size

$10-$65 (per square)

Bathtub Removal


Repairing Parts




Related: What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Walk-in Shower?

Bottom Line

In conclusion, I would like to say that a Curbless shower is more expensive than those typical showers. The additional preparation of shower floors leads to the rise in charges of curbless showers.

Curbless showers have various reasons that justify the higher cost. You have gone through an estimated cost distribution of tub-to-shower conversion.

Babar Ali

Hi, my name is Babar, I am the man of the house/home, and you can guess I have to handle most of the home-related tasks related to the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and much more. I have gained so much experience and knowledge over the years, and now I am excited to share my tips and answer your most asked home-related questions.

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