What Is A Shower Cubicle?

When it comes to designing your new bathroom, showers play a crucial role. While searching for a perfect shower, you might have heard about shower cubicles. Many of you might be unaware of shower cubicles. Let me make it understandable for you.

A shower cubicle is a shower enclosure created by glass panels or walls. Shower cubicles are used to prevent water from spreading all over the restroom. You can find a shower cubicle in various sizes and shapes.

I’ve also discussed Shower Cubicle Alternatives in this guide to help you make a smart decision.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of shower cubicles. Let’s delve in and explore the essential information regarding shower cubicles.

Why Get a Shower Cubicle ā€“ Pros of Shower Cubicle

What Is A Shower Cubicle

The benefits of shower cubicles are given below.


Shower cubicles certainly make your bathroom look spacious. The shower tray and bathtub require considerable space for installation. Meanwhile, the shower cubicles also come with a tray that minimizes space requirements.

Therefore, shower cubicles can be adjusted in every size restroom.


Undoubtedly, a dirty shower area leads to the production of mildew that can cause health issues. Shower cubicles are made up of mainly glass panels or tiles. So, it is convenient to clean the shower cubicles daily.

The materials and the cleanliness of the shower cubicle can also eliminate the risks of mold development.


Shower cubicles also take care of your privacy. If you want to take a bath fearlessly, a shower cubicle is the perfect choice. As you know, shower cubicles are enclosures in which you can shower without being concerned about someone barging in.

Meanwhile, in open showers, many of you might get uncomfortable while taking a shower.

What Is A Shower Cubicle

Low Maintenance

Are you tired of maintaining your shower? Don’t worry. Switch your bathroom to the shower cubicles right now. A shower cubicle requires low to no maintenance. You can effortlessly clean the shower cubicles.

The best thing about the shower cubicle is it doesn’t allow water to escape from the enclosure. It prevents the tiles and sinks from damage due to excessive water usage.


Shower cubicles are on top of the list for safety purposes. If you’re using bathtubs, you might have encountered slipping on wet floors many times. A shower cubicle is safe as it doesn’t let the water stay in the shower area for a long time.

So, the risk of falling in the restroom is zero. A shower cubicle is best for your grandparents’ washroom.


I have seen that numerous people aren’t satisfied with the designs or colors of shower cubicles. You’ll be amazed to know that you can customize the design to the color and material of your shower cubicle.

If you don’t want glass panels you can go for a half tiles wall. The choice will be yours.


When it comes to efficiency, the shower cubicle is a big thumbs up. A shower cubicle can save you time and water while taking a bath. Unlike bathtubs, shower cubicles require a minimal amount of water for showers.

Hence, a shower cubicle can also save you from high electricity bills by keeping the water usage level in control.

Why not to get a Shower Cubicle ā€“ Cons of Shower Cubicle

What Is A Shower Cubicle

Here are the drawbacks of a shower cubicle.

Installation Cost

Indisputably, the installation cost of a shower cubicle is way more than traditional showers or bathtubs. Make sure that the shower cubicle must be installed by a professional. If it is not done by an expert, your shower cubicle may face damage or leakage after a while.

However, according to its low maintenance and benefits, installation costs can be compromised.

Potential Leaks

The improper installation of shower cubicles can cause potential water leakages. If the shower cubicle is not installed by an expert, the water will start leaking from the shower enclosure to the whole washroom.

The gaps in the enclosure can cause the development of molds and bacteria that can be harmful to your body.

Less Relaxing

If you’re addicted to taking a bath in a bathtub, the shower cubicle will be uncomfortable for you. Some people prefer to soak them in the tub and then take a peaceful shower. In this case, you might not be happy with the shower cubicles.

Hard Water Stains

If you receive hard water at your residence, it can cause stubborn stains on the glass doors. Although, hard water stains can be easily removed with the help of a sponge or soap. But if the stains are ignored, they’ll become permanent.

Hence, you won’t be able to remove the hard water stains from the glass panels of the shower cubicle.

Here’s a table to sum up advantages and disadvantages:

SpaciousHigh Installation cost
CleanlinessPotential leak
PrivacyLess relaxing
Low maintenanceHard Water Stains

Related: What Is The Difference Between A Bypass Shower Door And A Sliding Shower Door?

Is There Any Alternative To A Shower Cubicle?

There are multiple alternatives to a shower cubicle, a few of them are given below.

Raised Boundary

The first alternative to a shower cubicle is a raised boundary. You need a considerable space to build a half wall or raised boundary that restricts the water from splashing all over the bathroom. If you have a small restroom, a raised boundary is not suitable for you.

Glass Partitions

Another alternative is a glass partition which is considered the best of all. A shower cubicle without doors is known as a glass partition. It promotes ventilation and saves the dry portion of the washroom from damage.

You must be aware that the improper installation of the glass partition may end up dampening the dry area.

Shower Curtains

Shower curtains are a quick and inexpensive way to cease the water splashing in the whole washroom. Shower curtains can be of plastic or PVC. They come in various colors and designs to make your restroom more aesthetic.

You must know that shower curtains are not durable as shower cubicles or other alternatives. There are high risks of mildew development in your bathroom.

Related: What Is A Thermostatic Shower Valve?

Bottom Line

By now, you know everything about a shower cubicle. A shower cubicle will protect your washroom from mold and mildew production. It makes your restroom looks spacious and clean. The best thing about the shower cubicle is it doesn’t require any high maintenance.

Along with the benefits, there are also some drawbacks to shower cubicles. If you’re addicted to the bathtub, the shower cubicle might be uncomfortable for you. You can also try the alternative of a shower cubicle as a temporary solution.

Babar Ali

Hi, my name is Babar, I am the man of the house/home, and you can guess I have to handle most of the home-related tasks related to the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and much more. I have gained so much experience and knowledge over the years, and now I am excited to share my tips and answer your most asked home-related questions.

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